adult ballet (open level)
Learn ballet basics in this fun introductory ballet class! Get flexible and improve core strength while having fun dancing.
Dress code:
Anything comfortable! We recommend stretchy clothes that you can move in and ballet slippers (recommended style here).
Mondays 7:00-8:00pm. with Estelle Botella
18 week semester: February 3 - June 23 (No class on February 17, April 21 and May 26)
9 week sessions: February 3 - April 7 (No class on February 17) and April 14 - June 23 (No class April 21 and May 26)
NEW CLASS ADDED! Tuesdays 10:00-11:00am with Michiko Takemasa
14 week semester: March 18 - June 24 (No class on April 15)
5 week session: March 18 - April 22 (No class on April 15)
9 week session: April 29 - June 24
Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm. with Walter Battistini
18 week semester: February 5 - June 25 (No class February 19, April 9 and April 16)
9 week sessions: February 5 - April 23 (No class February 19, April 9 and April 16) and April 30 - June 25
Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm. with Michiko Takemasa
18 week semester: February 6 - June 26 (No class February 20, April 17 and June 19)
9 week sessions: February 6 - April 10 (No class February 20) and April 24 - June 26 (No class June 19)
NEW CLASS ADDED! Fridays 8:30-9:30am with Katie Mcdermott
14 week semester: March 21 - June 27 (No class April 18)
5 week session: March 21 - April 25 (No class April 18)
9 week session: May 2 - June 27
Semi private pointe class available by request at discretion of the school/teacher. For pricing and other information email qsballet@gmail.com
Thursdays 8:00-8:30pm. with Michiko Takemasa
adult contemporary (open level)
Class begins with a dynamic center warm up focusing on building strong technique, core, and body awareness incorporating ballet and yoga principles. Moving across the floor, dancers will work on balance, control, and progressions to aid in moving with ease. Finally dancers will learn a contemporary phrase to work on artistry, expression, and freedom of movement.
Dress code:
Anything comfortable! We recommend stretchy clothes that you can move in and socks.
Sundays 1:00-2:00pm. with Julie Grenier
18 week semester: February 9 - June 29 (No class on February 16, April 20 and May 25)
9 week sessions: February 9 - April 13 (No class on February 16) and April 27 - June 29 (No class May 25)
Tuition: 1 class/week $450; 2 classes/week $864; 3 classes/week $1242; 3 classes/week; 4 classes/week $1584
Registration Fee: $25 per semester
TUITION (per 9-week session):
Tuition: 1 class/week $243; 2 classes/week $468; 3 classes/week $675; 4 classes/week $864
Registration Fee: $25 per semester
Early Bird discount: Registration fee waived when if you sign up and pay before January 19 for Session 1 and April 1 for Session 2 (if signing up for full session)
Tuition: 1 class/week $350; multiple classes/week will be prorated at multiple class discount
Registration Fee: $25 per semester
TUITION (per 5-week session):
Tuition: 1 class/week $135; multiple classes/week will be prorated at multiple class discount
Registration Fee: $25 per semester
10% discount for parents of QSB students!
Classes subject to change or get canceled depending on enrollment
Sign up here!
make up policy
Adult students are allowed to make up up to two classes per 9-week session for each class you are signed up for, space permitting. For example, students signed up for 1 class/week are allowed up to 2 makeups per session; students signed up for 2 classes/week are allowed up to 4 makeups per session.
Classes must be made up within the semester/session for which students are registered.
Please fill out the makeup request form at least 24 hours in advance of the class you would like to take. You must receive an email confirmation before attending the makeup class. Click here to fill out the makeup request form